Are you looking for WhatsApp Blast service?

By Published On: October 13, 2022Categories: Blog0 Comments


Are you looking for WhatsApp Blast service?

If we asked someone to name the medium through which we could communicate, probably most of the answers would be for WhatsApp. WhatsApp is the only popular app today. If we look at the current users of WhatsApp, India has 340 million monthly users and Brazil has 100 million monthly users. About 68 million Americans access WhatsApp in a month.

With the huge demand for WhatsApp or the number of WhatsApp users increasing every day, business people started to use this channel to promote their brands, offer discounts and coupons to increase sales and develop marketing strategies. However, this is only good for small businesses and shop owners. Large companies and entrepreneurs have to serve a huge customer base, and it is impossible to inform and serve such a large customer base using WhatsApp alone.

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