
How Today’s Corporate Meeting Planner important 10 Keys

Corporate Office Meetings Tips Many organizations, including not - for - profits, businesses, civic and government groups, realize the need to include meetings, as part of their overall programing, etc. While some do so professionally, and effectively, many others [...]

By |August 16, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

DLT Registration: TRAI has mandated all businesses that want to send SMS to register their business, headers, and templates on DLT platforms? Know more

TRAI (TCCCPR 2018) has mandated all businesses that want to send SMS to register their business, headers (sender IDs), content templates, and consent templates on any of the DLT platforms. Please note that all steps in the DLT registration [...]

By |August 16, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments
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