DLT Registration: TRAI has mandated all businesses that want to send SMS to register their business, headers, and templates on DLT platforms? Know more
TRAI (TCCCPR 2018) has mandated all businesses that want to send SMS to register their business, headers (sender IDs), content templates, and consent templates on any of the DLT platforms. Please note that all steps in the DLT registration [...]
Update on Omicron
Current knowledge about Omicron Researchers in South Africa and around the world are conducting studies to better understand many aspects of Omicron and will continue to share the findings of these studies as they become available. Transmissibility: It is [...]
SMPP TLV Optional Parameters
The SMPP protocol defines support for optional parameters, known as TLV parameters. Some TLV parameters are defined in the core specification, and TURAIN SMS may use them depending on configuration settings. These TLV parameters include message_payload, source_port, dest_port, sar_msg_ref_num, [...]
What is Promotional, Transactional and Service Bulk SMS routes in DLT?
New Bulk SMS routes in DLT 1. Promotional Bulk SMS route in DLT Promotional Bulk SMS include offers, discounts and marketing SMS for advertising a product or service. Promotional SMS can be sent to the Non DND numbers. Customers [...]
Happy New Year Text Message Ideas and Templates
New Year is one of the most universally celebrated holidays on the calendar. In other words, it’s the ideal time to reach out to your SMS customer base. Send a simple Happy New Year text to let them know [...]